
Brno, Czecz Republic

Meet experts from PARC at the High-level Environment and Health Conference in Central and Eastern Europe

Brno, Czecz Republic

In alignment with the ambitious goals set forth in the Budapest Declaration (WHO European Region, 7th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, 2023) and the subsequent "Roadmap for Healthier People, a Thriving Planet and a Sustainable Future 2023-2030," RECETOX, in cooperation with the Ministries of Environment and Health, has decided to organize the V4+ Environment and Health Conference in Central and Eastern Europe. This pivotal event aims to catalyze a just transition towards resilient, healthy, equitable, and sustainable societies by addressing environmental pollution with a specific focus on human exposure to environmental pollution in the Central and Eastern Europe region. Regional view will be complemented by topical insights from representatives from relevant large EU projects such as HBM4EU and PARC. Thomas Jakl, the chair of the PARC Governing Board, will provide an input into the high-level discussions as well as several other experts from the PARC Consortium will contribute to the sessions. 

As the event is organised under the framework of the Czech V4 Presidency, recommendations from the conference will be compiled and presented at the subsequent V4+ Meeting of the Ministers for Environment on 12th March, further contributing to the regional dialogue on environment and health challenges. 

Information (speakers, agenda) and registration is available by following this link. Please register as soon as possible, capacity is limited.
