08 —
08 —
Berlin, Germany
Annual meeting of the Work Package 4 “Monitoring and Exposure"
The annual meeting of the Work Package 4 “Monitoring and Exposure” will be held between 8 – 9 October 2024.
This meeting provides a unique opportunity to learn about the progress, prepare next year's activities, but also determine what should be accomplished in the following years within Work Package 4. The meeting programme focuses on the work of the projects to achieve the WP4 objectives and to exchange on existing interaction and future cooperation between Tasks 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3. The programme is rounded off by an exchange with other Work Packages (WP2, 7, 8 and 9).
The face to face meeting will take place in Berlin. Remote participation will be possible.
08 ─ 09.10.2024