
PARC trainings: Get informed on upcoming opportunities
The 1st PARC training plan is a calendar containing in-person and remote training courses, as well as online resources on different training topics up to October 2025. The plan is built on data collected in the 1st PARC training needs survey. Further details on the course topics and dates can be found on PARC website. Please check it periodically as new resources or trainings on topics not yet covered may be added over time.
In addition to these courses and materials, PARC is also facilitating on-the-job trainings among PARC partners through a staff exchange programme. At this time, we invite all laboratories interested in receiving external staff to fill in this survey ↗ to provide information on their skills, capacities, working language(s), and any staff-specific requirements. These opportunities will be announced on the PARC website, and Task 9.4 (Training) co-leaders will contact the Host Laboratories to confirm applicants’ selection and initiate the process. Please note that there is no dedicated budget for this activity; therefore, PARC will not support any additional costs that hosts or trainees may incur. Find all the details on PARC staff exchange program in this flyer.
For any questions, please contact Task 9.4 (Training) co-leaders Carla Trindade Costa (carla [dot] trindadeinsa [dot] min-saude [dot] pt) and João Paulo Teixeira (joao [dot] teixeira
insa [dot] min-saude [dot] pt).