Laboratory networks
P-A-R-C aims to promote the further development of existing and new infrastructural capacities including laboratory networks of human biomonitoring, environmental monitoring (ambient and indoor air, water, sediment, soil, biota, and food and feed), and (eco)toxicology. The development of these laboratory networks in PARC includes mapping, cataloguing, expanding the existing laboratory networks and identifying gaps.
The strategy for the first mapping of these laboratory networks encompasses the following actions:
- The first request sent to all National Hub Contact Points (NHCPs) through National Hub Co-Coordinators (NHCC) to complete a simple and short online survey, including the contact details of national laboratories with experience in chemical analysis in the above-mentioned fields.
- A detailed online questionnaire, specific for each domain, to be distributed between the identified laboratories with the aim to collect all relevant information.
An interactive map of the HBM laboratory network is being developed and will be available on the PARC website. The laboratory catalogues created in PARC will be maintained and updated during the entire duration of the project. In addition, all information from the different laboratory domains will be integrated into dashboards that will be accessible through the PARC webpage.
Does your laboratory have experience in monitoring of chemicals in human and environmental matrices, food and feed, biota, and in toxicology?
If the answer is yes, join the PARC laboratory networks by completing the following questionnaire.
Human biomonitoring (HBM) laboratory network
During the first year of PARC the activities have focused on the extension of the network on HBM laboratories in the framework of PARC capitalizing on the work done in the HBM4EU initiative ↗ (Human Biomonitoring for Europe), in which the first European network of HBM laboratories ↗ was built. A total of 240 HBM laboratories have been included in the PARC HBM laboratory catalogue.
Discover our PARC European HBM network here.
Being in the European Network of HBM laboratories will allow you to increase the visibility of your laboratory at European level and beyond, to participate in the exchange of information within the network, to discover and contribute to networking activities, harmonisation in HBM, new advances, new analytical methods and quality assurance schemes.
For those laboratories interested in participating in the analysis of HBM samples within PARC, please be aware that by joining this network you will automatically receive information about the PARC Quality Assurance/Quality Control programme (QA/QC programme). Successful participation in this programme will be a requisite to perform HBM chemical analyses in PARC.
For further questions, you can contact us at PARCisciii [dot] es.
Environmental monitoring laboratory networks
In total, 70 laboratories focusing on air monitoring have been identified in the first year of PARC and added to the PARC environmental monitoring laboratory catalogue. Efforts will be now directed towards cataloguing water (including surface and groundwater) and soil/sediment analytical laboratories. In subsequent years, other remaining environmental monitoring laboratories in the fields of food and feed, and biota, will be addressed.
(Eco)toxicology laboratory network
The mapping of the existing (eco)toxicology laboratories has not been started yet.