Indicator topics
The PARC indicator framework aims to monitor PARC's performance throughout its lifetime. This will allow for more efficient tracking of achieved goals. As they provide the picture of PARC’s achievements, they can showcase PARC’s progress and contribute to a transparent monitoring of the Partnership. These indicators are also linked to the European Commission’s Biennial Monitoring Report (BMR).
Three different levels of indicators have been defined: output, outcome and impact.
A set of indicators was streamlined to ensure their usefulness and representativeness. The whole PARC community has been engaged. All work packages within PARC provide input to the indicators and the different boards of PARC are consulted.
With these indicators, PARC wants to track its impact in three different levels:
Output, outcome and impact indicators are defined for each of these three levels.
Output indicators cover all hard data regarding the performance of PARC and are linked to the resources in PARC that are used to create the outcome. This includes (but is not limited to) the number and characteristics of PARC partners, projects, collaborations, trainings, publications and developed datasets.
Outcome indicators cover all activities and data, directly resulting from the PARC activities, potentially reaching beyond the Partnership. This includes (but is not limited to) collaborations with external partners, dissemination of results, datasets, tools and concepts outside of PARC, activities that target stakeholders, and citations of PARC publications.
Impact indicators are used to identify the ultimate impact that PARC generates. It entails the wider contribution and the indirect links of the results on society, policy, and economy, and wider problematics. For instance, contributions to policy documents, regulations and advancements in industry, the development of early warning systems, or the rollout of new Human Biomonitoring (HBM) programmes.