Building infrastructure and human capacities
PARC aims to build and strengthen interdisciplinary research capacities among stakeholders and partners.
This includes promoting knowledge exchange, contributing to skills development, and increasing capacities to apply new tools and methodologies developed within PARC. This is crucial for stakeholders and partners to address current and new challenges in the field of chemical risk assessment.
The main activities include:
identifying training needs,
mapping existing training courses and resources,
establishing a flexible and dynamic training plan aligned with partners’ and stakeholders’ needs, as well as with the progress and findings of PARC.
In the first year of PARC, a dedicated online survey was distributed to all members of the National Hubs to identify their training needs. The results of this survey have provided ground for mapping of the available training courses and resources, leading to the development of a comprehensive training plan for the next two years (up to October 2025). This plan is designed to cover the different knowledge domains identified by the survey respondents.
This first PARC training plan includes both the organisation of in-person and remote training courses, as well as the development of open access online resources.
Training courses
In addition to these new PARC trainings, you can explore other existing training courses available on the News & Events - Events - Trainings.
These courses cover a range of topics such as:
Exposure assessment
FAIR & databases
Hazard assessment
Human health
Policy & regulation
Risk assessment
Statistics & modelling
Transferable skills.
Please note that while these courses are listed on the PARC website, they are not managed by PARC, therefore if you are interested or have any questions, please directly contact the course organisers.
The information on available training is regularly updated. If you are aware of any additional training courses that could be of interest to PARC activities, please share the information with us by completing this form ↗.
Staff exchange
PARC will also facilitate staff exchange (on-site hands-on training), to promote an efficient and effective transfer of skills and knowledge among project partners.
If your laboratory is available to receive external staff, please fill in this simple survey ↗ specifying some institutional details, your capacities, staff specific requirements, and working language(s). If you are interested in any of the available opportunities (soon available on PARC website), simply submit an application. If you fulfil the minimum requirements for exchange, as established by the Host Lab, you will be contacted and arrangements will be initiated.
Please note the following:
(1) applicants are responsible for their own expenses. Some external funding opportunities are listed here (application to these programmes is trainees’ entire responsibility),
(2) hosts and applicants must be involved in PARC, and
(3) If there is more than one applicant meeting the requirements established by the host, a first come first served rule will be applied.
For any proposals or contributions to PARC training activities, please contact Carla Trindade Costa (carla [dot] trindadeinsa [dot] min-saude [dot] pt) and João Paulo Teixeira (joao [dot] teixeira
insa [dot] min-saude [dot] pt) from the Portuguese National Institute of Health, Portugal.