PARCopedia ↗ is a knowledge management and social media platform for the international community of chemical risk assessment professionals created by the Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC)
Experts from many different disciplines and contexts are involved in chemical risk assessment. Integrating all these disciplines and contexts is not always easy: scientists, method developers, experts in modelling, risk assessors and managers, legislators, policymakers, and specialised media are part of this puzzle, and dialogue between these groups is sometimes hampered by knowledge and language barriers.
Fostering progress and innovation
By providing a knowledge base on chemical risk assessment and its innovation as well as a community platform for mutual exchange of knowledge and ideas, PARCopedia aims to enhance mutual understanding and to stimulate effective dialogues for the greater goal of fostering progress and innovation in chemical risk assessment.
On one platform, users of PARCopedia have access to knowledge related to the world of chemical risk assessment, provided by experts in the field. Key aspects of chemical risk assessment are presented in the form of WIKI-like articles, and include information on chemicals, methodologies, regulations and activities, as well as a glossary section spelling out the main terms and acronyms used in the area in addition to portraying important institutions and legislations in the field. Special focus is given to innovation based on New Approach Methods (NAMs) and Next-Generation Risk Assessment (NGRA).
Open for comments and connecting in networks
Comments and questions can be posted under each article to initiate discussions, share opinions, and move the discussions forward. Users of PARCopedia will also have the possibility to connect with one another, establishing their own networks and start and maintain discussions within public or private discussion groups and fora.
While a product of PARC, PARCopedia is nevertheless open to everyone professionally interested in chemical risk assessment.
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