
SETAC Europe  34th Annual Meeting

34th Annual Meeting of SETAC Europe

The 34th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) will take place in Seville, Spain between 5-9 May 2024. In the framework of this meeting, a session will be dedicated to presentations on improving chemical regulations through robust science and interdisciplinary collaborations. This topic is in line with the objectives of PARC, the European Green Deal and the European Commission’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability towards a toxic-free environment.  

The session will highlight the significance of evaluating regulatory performance and will propose areas for improvement in chemical assessment and management towards sustainable use of chemicals. These areas include effective hazard and risk assessment and management of chemicals, handling of uncertainties, protection goals, occupational exposures, implementation of new approach methodologies (NAMs), comparisons of methodologies across legislation, enhancing collaboration across sectors and disciplines, and increasing interactions between science and policy. The role of interdisciplinary experts in advancing this field and emphasizes the critical role of science in contributing data and developing new approaches for chemical regulation implementation will be further discussed.

Abstract submission is available here until 29 November 2023.

Further information is available on the website of the conference.
