PARC Surveys Networking and synergies Name of the external activity/project Acronym of the external activity/project Website of the external activity/project Start date of the external activity/project End date of the external activity/project Description of the external activity/project Field of the external activity/project Field of the external activity/project Human health Environment Both Keyword of the external activity/project 1 Keyword of the external activity/project 2 Keyword of the external activity/project 3 Keyword of the external activity/project 4 Keyword of the external activity/project 5 Keyword of the external activity/project 6 Scope of the external activity/project Scope of the external activity/project National EU International Funding of the external activity/project Legal status of the external activity/project Potential synergies foreseen in the framework of PARC: Potential synergies foreseen in the framework of PARC: WP2 - A common science-policy agenda WP3 - Synergies, collaborations and awareness WP4 - Monitoring and exposure WP5 - Hazard Assessment WP6 - Innovation in regulatory risk assessment WP7 - FAIR Data WP8 - Concepts and toolboxes WP9 - Building infrastructural and human capacities WP2 Task 2.1 - Priority setting Task 2.2 - Knowledge management and uptake into policy Task 2.3 - Sustainability WP3 Task 3.1 - Building effective interactions Task 3.2 - Communication, dissemination, and awareness Task 3.3 - Networking and Synergies WP4 Task 4.1 - Human Biomonitoring Task 4.2 - Environmental and multisource monitoring Task 4.3 - Innovative methods and tools for monitoring and surveys WP5 Task 5.1 - Toxicity testing addressing data gaps of concern Task 5.2 - Innovative methods and tools for toxicity testing and modelling Task 5.3 - Quantitative systems toxicology and development of new AOPs WP6 Task 6.1 - Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment of Chemicals Task 6.2 - Integrative exposure and risk assessment Task 6.3 - Review of risk assessment methodologies Task 6.4 - Transposing results to regulatory risk assessment methodologies WP7 Task 7.1 - PARC FAIR Data Policy (PFDP) and DMP Task 7.2 - Data libraries Task 7.3 - Innovative analyses WP8 Task 8.1 - Safe and sustainable by design (SSbD) Task 8.2 - Scientific and technical basis for an Early warning system (EWS) on chemical risks Task 8.3 - Integrative models WP9 Task 9.1 - Laboratory networking Task 9.2 - Building exposure monitoring capacities Task 9.3 - Joint activities - harmonisation Task 9.4 - Training Potential synergies foreseen between the external activity/project and PARC. Please give details how it could be implemented Possibility for clustering (with various PARC WPs and also with other external projects/activities)? Yes No Indicate the PARC WPs and/or the external projects/activities with which you see possibility for clustering Contact information Name of the person filling the form Email of the person filling the form Organization of the person filling the form Name of the external activity coordinator Email of the external activity coordinator Comments Leave this field blank