
PARC invites all to share views on roadmap towards NGRA
Have your say and join PARC and the European Commission in paving the way for Next-Generation Chemical Risk Assessment (NGRA). PARC invites all to share comments, ideas, and suggestions regarding guiding principles for an NGRA framework and tentative work streams for a roadmap to establish NGRA in EU chemicals legislation.
In December 2023, the EU Commission hosted a “Workshop on a roadmap for phasing out animal testing in chemical safety assessments”.
During the workshop, PARC organised two sessions on “Guiding principles for NGRAroute – a roadmap proposal for implementing Next-Generation Risk Assessment (NGRA) in EU chemicals legislation”. NGRAroute is one of the deliverables of the Partnership under its task "knowledge management and uptake into policy”.
Almost 100 stakeholders from industry, NGOs and authorities engaged in lively discussions and provided useful feedback as well as new ideas in the room. In addition, online participants contributed more than 400 comments. All input has been captured and will be instrumental for guiding PARC’s further NGRAroute work.
Invitation to share views
Presentations and recordings from the workshop are now online ↗, including those on PARC from Mirjam Luijten, Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, RIVM, and Matthias Herzler, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, BfR.
To help the PARC team in further supporting the European Commission with their roadmap, PARC now invites all those who did not have the chance to take part in the workshop (or who want to add to their previous contributions) to provide further comments and ideas regarding the preliminary guiding principles and tentative work streams prepared under the NGRAroute activity so far.
Find more information in this updated version of the workshop background document ↗. The same link contains a template for commenting and for indicating whether (and in which role) you would like to become involved in our work.
Please use this template to send your comments, suggestions, and ideas by email to our functional mailbox ngrarouteparcopedia [dot] eu no later than by 12 January 2024, 5 PM Central European Time.
Success through broad support
If you want to join PARC in this important roadmap work, the PARC team looks forward to your valuable contributions. “After all, the roadmap will only be successful if it is supported by a broad network of all those involved in chemical risk assessment, across affiliations, professions, fields of work and regulatory silos,“ says Matthias Herzler, co-lead of PARC’s Task 2.2 on “knowledge management and uptake into policy”.