
Regulatory risk assessment_new reports

PARC supports regulatory risk assessment - four new reports are now published

The PARC project aims to support regulatory risk assessment by providing methods, tools and concepts for integrative exposure, risk assessment and health impact assessment. Sixty institutes from twenty European countries join forces to improve risk models to account for chemical mixtures and the diversity of sources and routes.

Developments will be applied to case studies on PFAS, heavy metals, pesticides and phthalates which were previously prioritized by the PARC stakeholders. Innovative methods will be proposed to perform mixture risk assessment. Models will be optimized and combined to estimate risk drivers and main sources and routes of exposure, including occupational sources. Case study results are anticipated in 2024. The results aim to support risk managers and end-users at a national and European level. Additionally, the results will enable stakeholders to take appropriate risk mitigation measures where exposure levels of chemical mixtures exceed acceptable levels. 

Four new reports 

This work is anchored in task 6.2 "Integrative exposure and risk assessment” in PARC, and four reports are now published on the PARC website.

Overall, the four deliverables describe the progress made in the field of integrative exposure and risk assessment during the first year of PARC and form the basis for further developments in creating concepts and tools in the coming years. 
