PARC partners lead session on integrative risk assessment of chemical mixtures at Eurotox Conference
Are you attending the Eurotox Conference ↗ in Copenhagen? If so, don’t miss this session titled ‘Integrating Exposome and Risk Assessment Approaches: A Join Strategy for Chemical Mixture Assessment’, taking place tomorrow, 10 September from 10:00 to 12:00. The session will be chaired by Georges Kass from the European Food Safety Authority ↗ (EFSA) and Jacob van Klaveren from the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Chemical Food Safety ↗ (RIVM) in the Netherlands.
For this year’s Eurotox Conference ↗, EFSA and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) have organised a dynamic session on integrative risk assessment of real-life chemical mixtures using human biomonitoring (HBM) data. The session will showcase the models and tools developed by the Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) to estimate risks from exposure to complex chemical mixtures. Four expert speakers will share insights on innovative strategies, case studies, and modelling approaches, as well as how we work together with European Agencies to enhance regulatory implementation.
Sara Levorato, from EFSA, will present an update on EFSA’s cumulative risk assessment of pesticides ↗, detailing the latest methods to prioritise chemicals and organs at risk. EFSA’s efforts focus on identifying high-priority substances and organs, and refining methodologies to improve regulatory risk assessments.
Amelie Crepet, from the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) will introduce a strategic framework for assessing real-life chemical mixtures ↗, emphasizing a three-step approach: prioritization of mixtures, collection and organisation of HBM and hazard data, and conducting risk assessments for prioritised mixtures. This strategy aims to support EU regulatory agencies with practical tools to evaluate risks from combined exposures. The proposed strategy for mixture risk assessment is consolidating on the scientific methods, opinions and guidance published by EFSA. More information on the the PARC Real-Life Mixtures project will be available soon here.
The session will be presented by Kyriaki Machera, will also feature case studies demonstrating the application of the PARC strategy on mixtures ↗, including pesticides associated with effects on the neuro system, PFAS associated with effects on the immune system, and metals associated with effect on kidneys and on developmental neurotoxicological endpoints. The case studies will highlight the use of HBM data and advanced modelling techniques to address data availability, methods and proposed approaches and uncertainties in mixture risk assessments.
Jasper Engel will speak will be about PARC's approach to interoperable modelling tools ↗, showcasing the development of standardised workflows within the Monte Carlo Risk Assessment (MCRA) platform. These workflows aim to improve data integration and enhance the efficiency of mixture risk assessments for regulatory use.
The session underscored the importance of collaborative efforts and advanced modelling tools in addressing the challenges of assessing risks from chemical mixtures, paving the way for better regulatory frameworks and decision-making processes in Europe.
See the entire programme here ↗. The Danish Society of Toxicology and Pharmacology ↗ organises EUROTOX 2024 in Copenhagen. The congress will take place from 8 to 11 September 2024. The congress theme “Toxicology – A Quest for safe Chemicals and Medicines” reflects the congress programme, which includes a variety of topics dealing with safety of drugs and environmental chemicals, new and emerging technologies, personalised medicine, human health effects caused by exposure to chemicals as well as safety issues arising from climate changes.