
PARC Aligned Studies


Setting up the PARC Aligned Studies - Workshop in Brussels

As a follow-up to the Aligned Studies that have been organized under HBM4EU, PARC will also organize a human biomonitoring (HBM) survey with EU wide coverage by aligning and harmonizing national and/or regional HBM studies across Europe.

The objectives of the PARC Aligned Studies are:

  • to obtain HBM data for priority substances which are comparable between EU countries/regions;
  • to calculate European exposure values allowing comparison with international HBM programmes or with previous EU projects;
  • to identify exposure determinants, sources and/or routes;
  • to characterize exposure mixtures;
  • to study exposure-effect associations;
  • to compare HBM data with available health-based HBM guidance values.

The PARC Aligned Studies target 3 age groups: children between 6-11 years of age, teenagers between 12 -17 years of age and adults between 18-39 years of age.

A project workshop was organized in Brussels, Belgium, on 10 and 11 May 2023. Principal investigators from 25 different countries have participated in the workshop. The objectives and harmonization criteria for the PARC Aligned Studies were introduced in this workshop. Furthermore, the participants presented the HBM studies from their country/region that will contribute to the PARC Aligned Studies. The workshop provided a platform for partners to exchange on their experiences related to setting up and performing a HBM campaign.

For more information, please feel free to contact the project lead, Liese Gilles (VITO, BE; Liese [dot] gillesatvito [dot] be (Liese[dot]gilles[at]vito[dot]be)).
